Thursday, November 26, 2020

Calais- Banksy



 Banksy is a graffiti artist and no one knows who he is and he is a famous artist and he calls himself Banksy when he turned 18 he went and painted a train with his mates down near the train station he started drawing flowers in vases and rats and other animals bits and now he draws a woman on a wall and it's pretty amazing how much work you put in the art the more it gets realistic and more people to admire it and want to do and make art but Banksy started off with graffiti  and now others like his art it sells for a bit of money because no one knows his personal identity it is hidden and you might have seen Banksy but you thought it was some random and did not care so him keepping his identity make others think like me is he old is he young when did he start his art and lots more we don't know because it is hidden from the public and I think it was a good choice to kepp it a secret but he should have asked to paint in some of the places he did was illigal and should of never done some places if he was found he could of been sent away to a place called jail. I don't think Banksy should let anyone know his identity because that might of been famous because no one knows and you should not be arrested for graffiti because others might like it. 

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