Thursday, September 17, 2020

Position and direction

On Monday we began our unit on position and direction and started exploring the idea of Cartesian co-ordinates. We had a lot of fun trying to work out how to explain where we thought the counter was before adding any form of grid to our paper. We then learnt about René Descarte, the story of the fly and  how he invented the Cartesian plane. 

Today we were using the Cartesian plane method to mark treasure on a map of our school and then give directions. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed the chocolate at the end of the treasure hunt!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Electricity- Curtis

Today we have been exploring the current, voltage, and how it works. Current is the way that electron moves through the circuit which activates and deactivates the light. Voltage is the force that makes the electrical current. The table that we all made is what we used so that we can record the results otherwise it can get confusing. We found out our results by making the light thing and then checking if it works and then what we think it will be like if it is bright we can just say it is bright or something like that. I made those predictions because that is just what I thought because anything can be big or small so the small amounts are what I thought would be big.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

NZ Land Wars- Miro G


 This is a timeline about the New Zealand land wars.

It was kind of hard because I had to change the words to something different from the book we were getting the information from, otherwise, I would be plagiarising.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Lachlan- Water Wastage

 Water wastage

In the world there is a certain amount of water each little patcall of water is
involved in the water cycle some little bits float out into space but not very
much 75% of the world is water that is a lot but there is a big problem with
the water in the world the water has something in the water that we like to
call water wastage it plots the water and makes the water unhealthy so they
can't drink the water. The solution was to take the water from the sea and d
salt it saw the people had something to drink.